Схема подключения основного разъёма
Схема подключения дополнительного разъёма
Wiring Description for the 14-Pin Connectors
1 Black Battery negative
2 Pink Headlights or other channel 6 timed option
3 Red Battery positive (5-amp fuse)
4 Orange Orange wires of both sensors
5 Gray Door trigger (+ or -)
6 Gray/Yellow Hood and trunk pin switches
7 White/Brown Ignition
8 Dark Green Dark Green wire of valet switch
9 Gray/Blue Channel 4 accessory
10 Brown/Red Connect to ground for negative door trigger,+ 12V for positive door trigger
11 Light Green Prewired to the starter/ignition interrupt relay
12 Yellow Siren black wire
13 Violet LED red wire
14 Gray/Violet Optional trunk release or other channel 2 accessory (when disarmed only)
Wiring Description for the 8-Pin Connectors
1 Blue/Black Door lock normally closed
2 Red/Black Parking light
3 Blue/Red Door lock normally open
4 Green/Black Door unlock normally closed
5 Green/Red Door unlock normally open
6 Blue/White Door lock common
7 Red/White Battery positive (20-amp fuse)
8 Green/White Door unlock common
Схемы подключения дверных замков
Схемы подключения дверных замков
Схемы подключения парковочных огней
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